Book Review: 'Murder on the Orient Express' by Agatha Christie

Book Blurb: The elegant train of the 1930s, the Orient Express, is stopped by heavy snowfall. A murder is discovered, and Poirot's trip home to London from the Middle East is interrupted to solve the murder. Review: Murder on the Orient Express is a classic detective novel written by Agatha Christie. The plot is a perfectly formed one (it keeps the readers on the edge of the seat). This is the first Agatha Christie book I have ever read. Her writing is so engaging and that proves why she is one of the best authors in history.  Christie takes us on adventure alongside Poirot. Whenever someone reads crime mystery novels, everyone loves to guess who is the criminal, especially when you know that the culprit is definitely one among the suspects. This book leaves you puzzled and clueless but also amazed.  Poirot is probably the second most famous fictional detective after Sherlock Holmes. Poirot seems to be very different than Holmes. I need to read more books to understand him very wel

Why I chose to write

I was around ten years old when the idea of becoming a writer stuck my mind. I have always enjoyed poems and stories which I read in my English text books. There was and is something magical about literature that attracts me. I used to write short stories and poems and show it to my teachers who encouraged me to write more. But things changed after I moved to another school. I was preoccupied by the thought of being in a new atmosphere and having strangers around. Since then I have found it hard to concentrate on writing. But now everyone has abundant time to do whatever they want.

Now, I really don't know why or how writing has become a part of me and my life. I like it and I do it. It feels like as though I am converting my dreams and thoughts into text. I also realized that stories and poems do not pop into your mind from nowhere. I realized that I have to become a voracious reader to excel in writing.

All this can look clumsy since it's my first blog. But it's just the beginning and I believe that I will improve my skills over the course of time. 


  1. I'm damn sure..yu will go up heights nd more deeper..! Nd excel more bruh..! Break a leg..đź’™

  2. Apt use of vocabulary for a beginner. You have all the qualities to be a great writer and the best part is that you write from your heart, what you feel, which is one of the best requirements a writer needs to have to connect with one's readers. Some people have a good knowledge of words and some people have the quality of expression. And you my dear are an excellent combination of both. Wish you all the success you deserve🙂


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