Book Review: 'Murder on the Orient Express' by Agatha Christie

Book Blurb: The elegant train of the 1930s, the Orient Express, is stopped by heavy snowfall. A murder is discovered, and Poirot's trip home to London from the Middle East is interrupted to solve the murder. Review: Murder on the Orient Express is a classic detective novel written by Agatha Christie. The plot is a perfectly formed one (it keeps the readers on the edge of the seat). This is the first Agatha Christie book I have ever read. Her writing is so engaging and that proves why she is one of the best authors in history.  Christie takes us on adventure alongside Poirot. Whenever someone reads crime mystery novels, everyone loves to guess who is the criminal, especially when you know that the culprit is definitely one among the suspects. This book leaves you puzzled and clueless but also amazed.  Poirot is probably the second most famous fictional detective after Sherlock Holmes. Poirot seems to be very different than Holmes. I need to read more books to understand him very wel

What makes 'The Alchemist' a classic?

There are some books that linger in our hearts forever and are hailed as classics. They could have been written a long time ago but are amazing even today. Such books are unforgettable and irreplaceable. 'The Alchemist' written by Paulo Coelho is one such book. First published in 1988, the book remains a favorite among all the bibliophiles and I am no one to escape. In this blog I want to share my thoughts on 'The Alchemist'.

After hearing so much about the book I finally read it two years ago. I saw reviews on the cover and little did I know that I will be hugely impacted like them. The book is one of the finest book ever written. The book influenced and taught me so much. It proved that books are not mere text but a place to dwell. But what makes 'The Alchemist' one of the best place to dwell?

The most amazing thing about 'The Alchemist' is its protagonist, Santiago. He is amazing not because he is handsome nor because he is going to save the world from evil. He is amazing because he is one among the masses. Each and everyone in the world will be able to relate to him. We all have our own dreams but still end up doing something else. In the book Santiago is trained to be a priest by his family but he desires to travel. He gathers up enough courage and speaks to his father and gets a yes. The book reminds us that we need to dream not to meet others' expectations but to meet our soul's satisfaction. 

Santiago's search for treasure and the life lessons he acquires through journey symbolizes our own lives. All of us are moving towards our destiny no matter how different it is. And the journey which we take teaches us so many things. The book delivers a message that journeys are more beautiful than the destinies themselves, which is so much true.

The values and lessons he learns from the alchemist are a guiding light to everyone's life. The anecdotes in the beginning and in the middle of the book throws light on the mistakes we do, how we fail to notice the beauty in ourselves and the things around.

The books also talks about different cultures, beliefs, languages and countries. It also highlights the way people perceive things, how they reason events and the hardships they face. Everything in the book symbolizes events from our everyday life in a brilliant way.

So, this is some of my thoughts about the classic 'The Alchemist'. If you liked it, please share the post with your friends. Do share your feedback and your thoughts on 'The Alchemist' in the comments section below.

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Hope you liked it....!


  1. Excellent writing. Your write up has awakened my curiosity, and I have to read the book to satisfy it๐Ÿ™‚


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