
Book Review: 'Murder on the Orient Express' by Agatha Christie

Book Blurb: The elegant train of the 1930s, the Orient Express, is stopped by heavy snowfall. A murder is discovered, and Poirot's trip home to London from the Middle East is interrupted to solve the murder. Review: Murder on the Orient Express is a classic detective novel written by Agatha Christie. The plot is a perfectly formed one (it keeps the readers on the edge of the seat). This is the first Agatha Christie book I have ever read. Her writing is so engaging and that proves why she is one of the best authors in history.  Christie takes us on adventure alongside Poirot. Whenever someone reads crime mystery novels, everyone loves to guess who is the criminal, especially when you know that the culprit is definitely one among the suspects. This book leaves you puzzled and clueless but also amazed.  Poirot is probably the second most famous fictional detective after Sherlock Holmes. Poirot seems to be very different than Holmes. I need to read more books to understand him very wel

3 Apps to read books for FREE.!

There are so many people out there who want to read as many books as possible. We always look for ways to read books for free. So here I have listed three apps where you can read books for absolutely free.! So, let's jump into the list. 1. Free Books & Audiobooks This app is a hub of many books from various different genres. Here, you can get access to both e-books and audiobooks. Download Here: 2. Novels & Books in English This app offers you the Classics in the form of e-books. Pride and Prejudice, Christmas Carol and so much more. Download Here: 3. Free Books- Novels, Fiction Books, & Audiobooks This app also includes so many e-books and audiobooks.  Download Here: If it was useful don't forget to s

Motivational Quotes

                                 Don't count the days, make the days count.- Muhammad Ali Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.- J.K.Rowling Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.- C.S.Lewis If you can't explain it simply, you didn't understand it well enough.- Albert Einstein You have to dream before your dreams can come true.- A.P.J.Abdul Kalam If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.- Haruki Murakami Accept no one's definition for your life. Define yourself.- Robert Frost One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.- Malala Yousafzai A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.- Nelson Mandela Either way change will come. It could be bloody or it could be beautiful. It depends on us.- Arundhati Roy

Book review: 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini

I was really not interested in reading this book for a long time and kept procrastinating. I am still unable to figure out the reason behind it. But when I finally decided to pick this book up and started reading it blew my mind away and has become one of my favorites. I had heard so much about Hosseini's 'Kite Runner'. But even if I am going to read it in the future 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' will be me favorite of Hosseini's works. A Thousand Splendid Suns is a story of the oppressed. It's about how the people were affected when there was a political crisis in Afghanistan back in the 1990's. The thing I loved the most about this book is that the author tells the story through the lives of two women. Set up in the world of women the book goes on to talk about their happiness and hardships. Hosseini leaves the readers amazed with his ability to construct two characters that are so similar but yet so different. Both Mariam and Laila go through same things

What makes 'The Alchemist' a classic?

There are some books that linger in our hearts forever and are hailed as classics. They could have been written a long time ago but are amazing even today. Such books are unforgettable and irreplaceable. 'The Alchemist' written by Paulo Coelho is one such book. First published in 1988, the book remains a favorite among all the bibliophiles and I am no one to escape. In this blog I want to share my thoughts on 'The Alchemist'. After hearing so much about the book I finally read it two years ago. I saw reviews on the cover and little did I know that I will be hugely impacted like them. The book is one of the finest book ever written. The book influenced and taught me so much. It proved that books are not mere text but a place to dwell. But what makes 'The Alchemist' one of the best place to dwell? The most amazing thing about 'The Alchemist' is its protagonist, Santiago. He is amazing not because he is handsome nor because he is going to save the world fr

Quotes from books

Few days after having written my first blog I found out how many people have read that. After seeing the numbers I felt so energetic and thought that I should write one blog everyday. I sat down with my laptop and started thinking a topic. Fifteen minutes gone, I was looking at the blank screen and blinking cursor. Thirty more minutes gone and nothing really changed. After few more minutes I closed my laptop and spent days thinking what to write.  I thought about writing poems or stories but then there was the issue of copyrights. I 'tried' reading articles explaining how one could get his digital works copyrighted. I dropped the idea because the process seemed complicated and confusing. And then conversations with my family and friends has led me to this topic. I love reading books. But there are some quotes or lines in books which makes a huge impact on the readers. There are so many such lines that have inspired many writers and readers. So I wanted to quote lines from two n

Why I chose to write

I was around ten years old when the idea of becoming a writer stuck my mind. I have always enjoyed poems and stories which I read in my English text books. There was and is something magical about literature that attracts me. I used to write short stories and poems and show it to my teachers who encouraged me to write more. But things changed after I moved to another school. I was preoccupied by the thought of being in a new atmosphere and having strangers around. Since then I have found it hard to concentrate on writing. But now everyone has abundant time to do whatever they want. Now, I really don't know why or how writing has become a part of me and my life. I like it and I do it. It feels like as though I am converting my dreams and thoughts into text. I also realized that stories and poems do not pop into your mind from nowhere. I realized that I have to become a voracious reader to excel in writing. All this can look clumsy since it's my first blog. But it's just the

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